
Photo Friday 7-24-15

Am I the only one, or has summer gone by really fast? School is just around the corner, which is crazy! If your anything like me, I love summer but near the end I am ready to get back to school. I love getting new notebooks and binders. Everything is so clean and organized! So I hope y'all have a safe and fun weekend! Leave down in the comments below what your favorite part of back to school is!

{my new favorite scent for my room}
{monogram sandals}
{3 homemade popsicle ideas}

xo, Jordan

1 comment:

  1. I get you! I used to feel like summer needed to end at one point or another, but not anymore. Summer is too fun and awesome! Once that school and new binders are over... it's too hard to love going back to reality.

    Natalia | Lindifique


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