
Jekyll Island Recap

So this past weekend, my family and I headed up to Jekyll Island. My grandparents were kind enough to let us borrow their RV. So we did not have to stay in a hotel and we could bring our own food and cook. Overall we had a great time. It was a nice little relaxing getaway! Jekyll is not very far from where we live, so that was nice not to have to be on the road that long.

Day 1:

We arrived around 4:00 Friday afternoon.  Once we got the RV set up we went to dinner at place called Latitude 31. Which was located on the island, about 10 minutes from the campground. The food was delicious and there was a beautiful view as well. I would totally recommend it to anyone visiting the island. Right after dinner there was a really big storm so we didn't do anything after dinner.

Day 2:

Today was the day we planned for exploring. That morning we headed up to St. Simons. Which is an island not to far from Jekyll. I would of loved to spend more time there because of all the shopping, but we didn't have that much time. But we did find time to go to Cloister Collection. This store carries Lilly Pulitzer! So if your a Lilly lover like I am you will definitely have to check it out. For lunch we went to a BBQ restaurant call "Southern Soul". It was by far my favorite food we had all weekend! It was sooooo good! After lunch we headed back to Jekyll to go to the beach. And that pretty much concludes Saturday.

Day 3:

Today was the day I was most looking forward to! We went to Summer Waves, which is the water park they had on the island. It was a lot of fun! There were not that many rides so you could only spend so much time there without getting board. And if your a big ride rider you might not enjoy it as much because the rides were on the smaller side. But over all it was a fun experience! That night we shopped at some of the shops on the island.

xo, Jordan

{ps. I apologize for not having that many pictures. I was trying not to get so caught up in taking a picture rather than just enjoying the moment!}

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