
3 Homemade Popsicle Ideas

Today I am going to share with you 3 easy popsicle recipes. These recipes are super easy and a lot of fun to make(and somewhat healthy!). These popsicles are perfect way to beat the summer heat.

Strawberry & Blueberry Popsicle

What you will need for this popsicle is a popsicle mold, about 1 cup of strawberries, 1 can of sprite, and a small handful of blueberries. The first thing you need to do is crush up the strawberries. I used a cheese grater but you can also use your hands. 

The next thing you will need to do is add about 3/4 cup of Sprite to the mushed strawberries. Mix until well blended. Spoon the strawberries and Sprite mixture into the popsicle mold. Filling them about 3/4 full. Add a pinch blueberries to the top. This recipe should make about 4 popsicles. Freeze for 3-5 hours. Enjoy:)

Apple Juice Popsicle

What you will need for this recipe is apple juice and an apple. First you will need to cut the apple up into small cubes. Fill the popsicle mold up 3/4 of the way with the apple cubes. Then, fill up the rest of the mold with apple juice. Lastly, you will freeze them for about 3-5 hours. Enjoy:)

Raspberry Popsicle

What you will need for this popsicle is Sprite and raspberry sorbet. First you need to scoop 3-4 scoops of sorbet into a bowl. Next, add enough Sprite to cover the sorbet. Mix until smooth. Spoon the mixture into the popsicle molds. Freeze for 3-5 hours. Enjoy:)

So I hope y'all enjoyed these recipes! Comment down below what you think of them or if you tried one of them. I love you guys, have a great rest of the week!

xo, Jordan 

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