
How I Organize My Lilly Agenda

I debated a lot on which planner to go with, Kate or Lilly. I ended up going with Lilly because of all the colors! So far I am very pleased with my choice! I chose the print Scuba to Cuba because I just love all the colors. And I went with a large so I would have plenty of room but without it being to bulky to carry. So today I am going to share with you how I organize it!

        Color Code. I purchased Staedtler Pens which I absolutely love! They are kind of pricey but are so worth it. There is a great selection of colors and they quality is great! Also, the pen does not bleed through the page. On the "to-do list" section I added a key of which colors stand for which(ex. pink= school).

 Monthly Calendar. I use the monthly calendar for big events, such as meetings, due dates, and other important reminders.

 Weekly Calendar. This is the section I use most! I use it for homework, todo list, and etc. Usually what I do is in the morning I write out everything happening and what I need to do for the day. This helps me start the day off a little smother and giving me heads up for whats happening for the day!

Overall I love the my planner! The one thing I would do differently is get the planner without the spiral. The reason is when the planner is in my backpack the spiral gets bent on other books. So how do you organize your planner?

Have a great week!
xo, Jordan 

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1 comment:

  1. I organize my Kate Spade Agenda very similarly! I wouldn't be able to stay organized without it (:

    xx Cat


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