

The past couple weeks I have started reading "Live Original" by Sadie Robertson. Which by the way is awesome and I would totally recommend it! In one of the chapters it talks about following your dreams.  After thinking about it for the past couple days, I realized that so many times people don't follow there dreams. This is kind of an obvious point but just think about it. If each and everyone one of us followed our dreams and didn't give up, how many amazing opportunities you would make for yourself and others.

But just as important as following your dreams is making sure your dream is in God's plan. Is what you want what God wants?  Sometimes things don't always work out the way you want them too, but when we fail are often the times we learn the most. So basically what I am trying to say from this whole post is that don't give up on what you want to achieve. When you want to give up, work even harder!

xo, Jordan 

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