
My Favorite Marleylilly Products

I don't know about you but if it's not moving, monogram it. I absolutely love anything with a monogram on it. Marley Lilly is by far one of my favorite places to purchase monogramed items from. Some of there stuff can be on the pricey side but there is almost always a sale going on. From my experiences with there clothing, quality has been great. I just think there stuff is so cute! Down below I picked so of my favorite summery products. I hope you enjoy!

Isn't everything just so cute? Comment down below if you have made any purchases from Marleylilly and what you thought about it. Also, if you have any other monogram shops that you enjoy I would love to hear about them. Have a great week!

xo, Jordan


  1. I love Marley Lilly! I've had some quality issues with their products in the past, but I recently picked up a monogrammed clutch from them & it has been great so far!

    xoxo, SS

    The Southern Stylista

  2. I love Marley Lilly! I feel like the brand is such a great preppy staple, simply because they will monogram anything and make it look adorable and feel made just for you!
    I'm really loving those sandals and the tumbler!



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