
Daily Haircare Routine

I am kind of a snob when it comes to how I care for my hair. I always have to wash my hair on a certain day. I think its my OCD kicking in! So today I am going to share with how I take care of my hair.

So I use Bed Head Re-energize. I wash my hair every other day. I know people who can go 4-5 days, but I also know people that have to wash their hair everyday. I don't think there is a right or wrong way, I think you just have to find what works best for your hair.

When my hair is wet I will use It's a 10 leave in. This leave in acts a detangler and helps keep frizz under control. And it smells amazing too!

Also, my all time favorite brush is the wet brush. It is supposed to be used when your hair is wet, but I use it all the time! I would totally recommend it to anyone with not that thick hair. 

Thank you so much for reading! Leave down in the comments below what your favorite hair care product is. Have a great week. 

xo, Jordan

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  1. I'm still trying to find my hair care routine – I usually wash my hair every other day, but I'm still looking for the right products. I might have to check out It's a 10 – sounds amazing!

    xo Jen
    Skirt The Rules

    1. I hope the It's a 10 will work out for you:) It is a really good product!

  2. I'm a total snob about my haircare routine as well! Have you ever tried using a wooden bristle brush? It's one of my favorite tools.

    Lauren Elizabeth
    Petite in Pearls

    1. I have not tried a brush like that, but I will definitely have to give it a shot! Thanks for letting me know about it!

      xo, Jordan


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