
Liebster Award

First of all I want to give a huge thanks to Cat from The Byrd Book for nominating me for the Liebster Award! I am so honored to be nominated for this award and I can't wait to pass it on to other bloggers! So without further ado, lets get started! These are the following questions given to me by Cat, that I will be answering for you to get to know me better!

When did you start your blog?
I first started my blog back in January. I thought what a perfect way to start the year off with writing a blog.

Why did you start it and what inspired you to do so?
I started Braids and Buttercream as a way to express my creativity. I have always loved the idea of having my own business as teen, and I thought blogging was a perfect fit! I didn't really have one thing in particular that inspired me, just pretty much all Fashion and Lifestyle blogs inspired me!
What is the main theme of your blog?
I don't really have a main theme, but if I had to pick one I would probably go with lifestyle. I blog about pretty much anything that crawls into my mind!
What are some of your favorite blogs to read?
My favorite blogs to read are Southern Curls and Pearls, Navy Striped Peonies, and Look Brooke! I think each of these bloggers put so much effort in each post and I look forward to reading! 
Which blog post are you most proud of?
I can't pick one in particular, but I think my favorites would have to be August Inspiration Board, Rise and Shine Room Inspiration, and Double Chocolate Chip Cookies.(the cookies are to die for!)
What are your hobbies?
I take dance, and that pretty much takes up all my free time. But I do enjoy photography, blogging, and does shopping count!
Are you still in school? If so what year?
Yes, I am in the 8th grade!
What's your favorite color?
I like any pastel colors and gold!
How would you describe your style?
My style could probably be described as southern prep, but I wouldn't really classify myself just to one style! 
Where do you want to travel?
I would love to visit New York City! I think it would be so cool to go to Time Square when Good Morning America is being filmed, and of course for the shopping too!
How much do you love your readers?
I love my readers just as much as I love Lilly Pulitzer...and that's a lot!!!! I look forward to reading your comments and emails! Your comments make my day! Y'all are the best!
So that is all the answers I have for you today! For my nominees, I would like to nominate...

1. A Peachy Sonder 
2. Sequins and Strawberries 
3. Pursuit of Prep


Your questions will be:

How did you name your blog?

Where is your favorite place to shop?

What is one of your biggest pet peeves?

Do you have any animals? If so, what kind are the?

What do you like to do in your down time?

What is your favorite item in your wardrobe?

Are you an early bird or a night owl?

What is your favorite part of blogging?

What is your favorite movie?

Why did you start your blog?

What is your favorite brand of nail polish?

Thanks for nominating me Cat!

xo, Jordan

Looking for more Braids and Buttercream?

1 comment:

  1. Awesome post! I loved reading your answers to my questions!

    xoxo Cat


Thank you so much for commenting! They seriously make my day:) I will not reply to every comment but I do read through all of them and greatly appreciate them.