
…let's just talk

 So lets just say this has not been my week! I was going to try to scramble for a post idea but then I thought a blog is used to express your feelings. So today we are just going to talk. Well not actually
 talk, but I'm going to type and your going to write what you think down in the comments below!

 On Monday, my sweet little Cuddles(pic down below) had a teeth cleaning which is very common for little dogs. After the surgery she was not eating for the first couple days, which is also very common after this procedure. We kept in contact with the vet and they said to come in on Friday. Everything was pretty much normal accept her platelets were low. She stayed the whole day and did not see anything abnormal, so they sent her home. By Saturday afternoon she was breathing really heavy so we took her in to the emergency vet immediately. When we got there she was put on an oxygen mask. They did some x-rays and when we were looking at them the vet got called back. Cuddles lungs had collapsed and her little body just couldn't take it. She had passed away. We don't know why and never will, all I know is she is doing what she does best, cuddling on Jesus's lap.
 The last couple of days have been kinda rough, but as they say, "time is a great healer" 

 On the bright side of things school is almost out, I don't know about anyone else but I am so ready for summer! So I hope everyone had a great week, and if you didn't, tomorrow is a new day.



  1. So sorry to hear about your sweet pup. Losing a pet is so hard and confusing, but it's better for them to pass on than stay and suffer. Sending happy thoughts and prayers your way!

  2. I'm so sorry for your loss. Losing a pet is like losing a family member. Sending positive thoughts your way, xx!


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