
Top 10 YouTube Videos- April 2015

 So how has April been for you? I would say it's been pretty good for me just a little busy and lots of test! So this week I wanted to start something new. I am going to share with you my top 10 favorite YouTube videos this month. I haven't ever seen it done before or maybe I'm just out of it but I always see monthly beauty favorites and etc. but we are going to be different! So let's get started!

1.  Spring Guide! Beach Essentials, Sweatproof makeup+ more!  by: Bethany Mota

3. Baby Food Challenge by: Brooklyn and Bailey 

8. What's In My Bag?// NO CRAP edition!  by: Ingrid Nilsen 

9. How To Easy Beach Hair!  by: eleventh gorgeous

Leave down in the comments below your favorite channels to subscribe to. I hope you enjoyed, have a blessed week!




  What is beautiful to you? Is it someone with nice clothes, perfect hair, or they have so many followers on instagram. But really everyones standard of beautiful is different. In Gods eyes we are ALL beautiful. He loves each and everyone of us the same, straight or curly hair, it dose not matter. You are beautiful. But we are not beautiful all because of the same thing, you are beautiful because you are you. So don't do stuff just because others do it, have your own style, be you. Be-you-tiful! Love your self for who you are, straight hair, curly hair, tall, short, good at sports, can't catch a football(aka-me!), it does not matter, all of that is discarded in Gods eyes! Be-you-tiful!



Everyday Makeup Favorites

  So you are probably wondering why am I posting today, I thought you said you were taking a break. You are right, but I decided I did not want to stop blogging. So I came up with a plan so instead of blogging on Wednesday new post will be published on Sunday. With that being said let's get into today's post!
 Based on the fact that I'm 12, I don't wear that much makeup. But I'm always curious about other peoples favorite products, so today I am going to share my everyday makeup favorites.

6.) Powder
