
Important News!!

  So this is not the normal weekly post. I'm really sad to have to do this, but I think it will be for the better. With the last few months of school becoming quiet crazy, I have decided to put a pause on the blog. It has become so crazy and I have to put school first. Also, I want to put all my effort into each one of my post. So with that being said, the blog will start up on it's normal schedule in June. Thank you so much for your understanding!

PS. Follow me on Instagram (@braidsandbuttercream) to stay updated!



Spring Cleaning 101: Closet

   I love spring. I love the colors, the weather, and all the cute clothes. The only complaint I have about spring is the bugs, lets me just say I am just a tad bit PETRIFIED of bees and wasp(almost anything that flies)! Another one of my favorite things about spring is the cleaning. This might sound odd coming from a 12 year old, but I love how refreshed you feel after all the cleaning is done. So my big project this year was my closest. Through out the year i usually keep my room and closet pretty clean and organized, but sometimes it needs a little extra help.

  So to start off with, I straightened up my room a little bit in the meantime because I cannot focus in a really cluttered room. I then took all of my clothes and put them in a big pile. This sound weird but this year I was going to try washing everything before I sorted the clothes out, but that did not happen:) I started separating my clothes in to three piles, keep, donate, and trash. It's pretty self explanatory, but just in case in the keep pile I put stuff I want to keep. In the donate pile you put stuff that is in good condition it just doesn't fit you or you don't wear it. And in the trash pile you put stuff that you have worn to the maximum! I sometimes have a hard time getting rid of things so what I do is if I won't wear it in the next 6 months, chunk it. So after you finished going through your clothes, put up the keep pile. I folded them up neatly and organized my closet. Some people color code but prefer to do it by what type of clothing item it is. I'm pretty motivated, but is your one of those people it takes a while to get going play fun music while you are organizing and take short brakes.

  Hope these tips help you with your closet this spring. Leave any ideas or how you organize your closet in the comments below. Have an awesome spring brake!

Happy Spring:)


Live Life Like a Glow Stick

 So this morning I was listening to the Christian radio station. One of the talks persons was saying a quote of the day. Todays quote was, "Sometimes you have to live life like a glow stick, you have to brake before you shine." This quote really stuck out to me because if you think about it, no one ever has a perfect life all the time. Or any time for that matter. Everybody goes in seasons of not so great to good. Even if today or this week or even this year is in your breaking season, look at all the positives that have happened. It's always really hard to look at the positives in bad situation, but when you do it always makes you shine a little more in a dark situation. If this is your season of good, be the light to someone in a dark place.
