
earthly things.

  Make-up, clothes, room decor, technology. All of these things are earthly things. They are not eternal. I have to remind myself this a lot. Sometimes I am to attached to my phone or a certain outfit. This past weekend I was putting away my clothes. While doing this I found that my favorite leotard for dance had little elastic strings hanging off of it where the lace is. My mom had accidentally put it in the dryer. I was furious. I automatically walk down stairs to tell her what had happened. She felt really bad, but at the time I didn't really accept an apology. My dad and I started to cut the little strings off one by one. We got most of them off but little holes started to form. But what I'm trying to say from this is that my leotard will not last forever and was it really worth getting mad at my mom and making her feel bad.

Set your minds on things above, not on earthlythings.
-Colossians 3:2



Pinterest Roundup- Summer fashion

 Summer is just around the corner! The thought of that just gets me so very excited! Even though summer dose not really start until June 21st. In my book, the moment I step out of school is when summer starts. So to get in the summer spirt, I wanted to share with you some of my favorite summer outfit looks that I found on Pinterest. I am just going to show you a few, but if you want to see more check us out on Pinterest.

Western Party 2

Pastel Pink & Green

hawaii here i come!

Seersucker Breezy Vest

Southern Prep

scallops and tory

Untitled #135

~Casual Day~

Tart Deco Sun

Navy & White

Navy & White by classically-preppy featuring skinny pants

 So I hope you guys enjoyed this Pinterest roundup! Comment down below if you would like to see more post like this or if you just want to say hi. I also just want to say thank you so much for reading Braids and Buttercream, it seriously means the world to me. Love you guys and have a great week!



A Day In the Life- Lazy Saturday

So yesterday, which was May 16th, I logged everything that I did. And just to let you know days that don't have any plans are VERY rare in our house, there is always something going on! So this kind of day is very rare.

7:40 am: Wake up. Many might say that is very early for a saturday, but I am a morning person, so 7:40 is pretty nice.

7:50 am: Breakfast. I love all things breakfast. It is by far my favorite meal of the day! Today I had a breakfast sandwich(eggs, bacon, cheese, and mayonnaise)

8:00 am: Chill time. I went on the computer and caught up on email and got some stuff done on the blog. And I had to do a little pinning to!

9:00 am: Get ready. I absolutely love showers, it is by far one of my favorite time of the day.

10:00 am: Dog training. We have a 7 month yellow lab named Obie(like from Star Wars) who can use all the obedience he can get!

11:00 am: Mini photography session. With the weather as pretty as it was I couldn't resist taking some pictures of some flowers.

12:00 pm: We went out to go grab somethings for the week.( the Snickers was just calling my name!)

4:00 pm: Watch the cutest movie ever. When we got home I felt like relaxing so I found, "The Heart of The Country". It was so good!

8:30 pm: Editing this post. I am now editing this post and then I'm going to go to bed. 

Good Night!


…let's just talk

 So lets just say this has not been my week! I was going to try to scramble for a post idea but then I thought a blog is used to express your feelings. So today we are just going to talk. Well not actually
 talk, but I'm going to type and your going to write what you think down in the comments below!

 On Monday, my sweet little Cuddles(pic down below) had a teeth cleaning which is very common for little dogs. After the surgery she was not eating for the first couple days, which is also very common after this procedure. We kept in contact with the vet and they said to come in on Friday. Everything was pretty much normal accept her platelets were low. She stayed the whole day and did not see anything abnormal, so they sent her home. By Saturday afternoon she was breathing really heavy so we took her in to the emergency vet immediately. When we got there she was put on an oxygen mask. They did some x-rays and when we were looking at them the vet got called back. Cuddles lungs had collapsed and her little body just couldn't take it. She had passed away. We don't know why and never will, all I know is she is doing what she does best, cuddling on Jesus's lap.
 The last couple of days have been kinda rough, but as they say, "time is a great healer" 

 On the bright side of things school is almost out, I don't know about anyone else but I am so ready for summer! So I hope everyone had a great week, and if you didn't, tomorrow is a new day.
