
Link Love- 10/12/15

Happy Monday! I have been so busy with school work, so I was kind of in a rush to get this post up. But recently I have found some really great articles and blog post that I would really love to share with y'all!

Get your Autumn Essentials in line!

This yummy no-bake chocolate tart looks delicious!

So I hope y'all enjoyed these links! Have a great monday!

xo, Jordan 


Pinterest Roundup- Fall Fashion

 Hey y'all! In the past, one of my most viewed post was my Pinterest Roundup- Summer Fashion. So with fashion being my favorite part of fall, I thought it would be the perfect time to do one. If you would like to see more outfit pins, you can follow me on Pinterest to see a lot more! 

So what was your favorite outfit? Let me know down in the comments below! Hope you enjoyed, have a great day!

xo, Jordan 


Happy Birthday Obie!

Happy Birthday Obie! It feels like just yesterday that you came home with us. Days would be so boring without you and whatever you decide to got into that day! Even though you can be really annoying sometimes, I am so thankful you! 

xo, your sister!


Staedtler Pen Review

I recently purchased these Staedtler Pens so I could color code my Lilly Pulitzer agenda. They are little on the pricey side, but they are so worth it! I absolutely love them! I was nervous that they might bleed through paper, but they don't at all! So if you are looking to purchase some colorful pens, I would totally recommend these! Let me know down in the comments below what brand of pens is your favorite? 

xo, Jordan 


October Inspiration Board

Happy October Y'all! I am so ready for boots and scarfs and all that kind of stuff! So to get you excited about fall I have created an inspiration board. Where I live it dose not get that cold, so any opportunity I get to where boots, I'm on it! 

So I hope you enjoyed! Let me know down in the comments below what your favorite part is of the up coming holiday months. Have a great weekend!

xo, Jordan


why I love fall...

 Fall is by far my favorite season. I love just love everything about it, but a few of my favorites are… 

These are just a few reasons of why I love fall, but the list goes on and on. Thanks so much for reading! Have a great weekend!

What is your favorite season?

xo, Jordan 


Morning Playlist

What kind of music you listen to influences how you feel so much! So I have created a playlist of my favorite songs to listen to while I'm getting ready or eating breakfast! These songs help me start my day off to a good start and in the right mind set!

So I hope you enjoyed this playlist! What is your favorite song to listen to in the morning? Let me know down in the comments below! Thank you so much for reading, y'all are awesome!

xo, Jordan