Rise & Shine: Inspiration Board

Happy Friday! Today I am sharing something a little different. I am sharing with y'all an inspiration board for a fun and colorful bedroom. I have always been passionate about design, and I finally had time to sit down and create this inspiration board for y'all! I hope you enjoy it!

Bed and pillows// paint// full length mirror// nightstand// lamp// storage ben// chandelier// chair// rug// sunbeam mirror//

Thanks for reading! Leave down in the comments below what you think of the bedroom! Have a good weekend!

xo, Jordan

Looking for more Braids and Buttercream?

Jekyll Island Recap

So this past weekend, my family and I headed up to Jekyll Island. My grandparents were kind enough to let us borrow their RV. So we did not have to stay in a hotel and we could bring our own food and cook. Overall we had a great time. It was a nice little relaxing getaway! Jekyll is not very far from where we live, so that was nice not to have to be on the road that long.

Day 1:

We arrived around 4:00 Friday afternoon.  Once we got the RV set up we went to dinner at place called Latitude 31. Which was located on the island, about 10 minutes from the campground. The food was delicious and there was a beautiful view as well. I would totally recommend it to anyone visiting the island. Right after dinner there was a really big storm so we didn't do anything after dinner.

Day 2:

Today was the day we planned for exploring. That morning we headed up to St. Simons. Which is an island not to far from Jekyll. I would of loved to spend more time there because of all the shopping, but we didn't have that much time. But we did find time to go to Cloister Collection. This store carries Lilly Pulitzer! So if your a Lilly lover like I am you will definitely have to check it out. For lunch we went to a BBQ restaurant call "Southern Soul". It was by far my favorite food we had all weekend! It was sooooo good! After lunch we headed back to Jekyll to go to the beach. And that pretty much concludes Saturday.

Day 3:

Today was the day I was most looking forward to! We went to Summer Waves, which is the water park they had on the island. It was a lot of fun! There were not that many rides so you could only spend so much time there without getting board. And if your a big ride rider you might not enjoy it as much because the rides were on the smaller side. But over all it was a fun experience! That night we shopped at some of the shops on the island.

xo, Jordan

{ps. I apologize for not having that many pictures. I was trying not to get so caught up in taking a picture rather than just enjoying the moment!}

Looking for more Braids and Buttercream?

What to Pack: Long Weekend Edition

I love to pack things. Call me crazy, but it gets me really excited about whatever upcoming vacation we are about to go on. I love to make things all neat and organized. So today I am going to share with you what I would normally pack for a long weekend. I usually try to pack a little more than what I think I need, because if your anything like me you like to have choices! 

So I hoped this list has helped you pack for any long weekend adventures you may be going on! Leave down in the comments below where you have headed this summer or where you plan to go. Have a great week!

xo, Jordan

Photo Friday 7-24-15

Am I the only one, or has summer gone by really fast? School is just around the corner, which is crazy! If your anything like me, I love summer but near the end I am ready to get back to school. I love getting new notebooks and binders. Everything is so clean and organized! So I hope y'all have a safe and fun weekend! Leave down in the comments below what your favorite part of back to school is!

{my new favorite scent for my room}
{monogram sandals}
{3 homemade popsicle ideas}

xo, Jordan

3 Homemade Popsicle Ideas

Today I am going to share with you 3 easy popsicle recipes. These recipes are super easy and a lot of fun to make(and somewhat healthy!). These popsicles are perfect way to beat the summer heat.

Strawberry & Blueberry Popsicle

What you will need for this popsicle is a popsicle mold, about 1 cup of strawberries, 1 can of sprite, and a small handful of blueberries. The first thing you need to do is crush up the strawberries. I used a cheese grater but you can also use your hands. 

The next thing you will need to do is add about 3/4 cup of Sprite to the mushed strawberries. Mix until well blended. Spoon the strawberries and Sprite mixture into the popsicle mold. Filling them about 3/4 full. Add a pinch blueberries to the top. This recipe should make about 4 popsicles. Freeze for 3-5 hours. Enjoy:)

Apple Juice Popsicle

What you will need for this recipe is apple juice and an apple. First you will need to cut the apple up into small cubes. Fill the popsicle mold up 3/4 of the way with the apple cubes. Then, fill up the rest of the mold with apple juice. Lastly, you will freeze them for about 3-5 hours. Enjoy:)

Raspberry Popsicle

What you will need for this popsicle is Sprite and raspberry sorbet. First you need to scoop 3-4 scoops of sorbet into a bowl. Next, add enough Sprite to cover the sorbet. Mix until smooth. Spoon the mixture into the popsicle molds. Freeze for 3-5 hours. Enjoy:)

So I hope y'all enjoyed these recipes! Comment down below what you think of them or if you tried one of them. I love you guys, have a great rest of the week!

xo, Jordan 


The past couple weeks I have started reading "Live Original" by Sadie Robertson. Which by the way is awesome and I would totally recommend it! In one of the chapters it talks about following your dreams.  After thinking about it for the past couple days, I realized that so many times people don't follow there dreams. This is kind of an obvious point but just think about it. If each and everyone one of us followed our dreams and didn't give up, how many amazing opportunities you would make for yourself and others.

But just as important as following your dreams is making sure your dream is in God's plan. Is what you want what God wants?  Sometimes things don't always work out the way you want them too, but when we fail are often the times we learn the most. So basically what I am trying to say from this whole post is that don't give up on what you want to achieve. When you want to give up, work even harder!

xo, Jordan 

Photo Friday 7-17-15

Hello beautiful's! What have you been up to this week? I have been at dance almost all day everyday. And let me tell you, I am so sore! Other than dance I have had a pretty relaxing week. What do you like to do in your free time? Let me know down in the comments below. Have a great weekend!


xo, Jordan

Want more to see more?

My Favorite Marleylilly Products

I don't know about you but if it's not moving, monogram it. I absolutely love anything with a monogram on it. Marley Lilly is by far one of my favorite places to purchase monogramed items from. Some of there stuff can be on the pricey side but there is almost always a sale going on. From my experiences with there clothing, quality has been great. I just think there stuff is so cute! Down below I picked so of my favorite summery products. I hope you enjoy!

Isn't everything just so cute? Comment down below if you have made any purchases from Marleylilly and what you thought about it. Also, if you have any other monogram shops that you enjoy I would love to hear about them. Have a great week!

xo, Jordan

Photo Friday 7-10-15

 Hello beautiful's! This week I am starting something new called "photo Friday". Basically every Friday I will post pictures from my week. Kind of like a journal of my week. Since it is summer and I don't have school, I have had a lot of free time. Free time = more time to blog! So these past couple weeks I have been planning some cool content for the the near future, so stay tuned! Ok, enough blabber let's get started!

Thank you so much for reading! leave down in the comments below what y'all were up to this week!

xo, Jordan

Summer Haul 2015

 Hey y'all! So I hope everyone had a wonderful July 4th! Today I am going to be sharing some of the stuff I have received throughout the month for my birthday. And yes, I said throughout the month. In my family almost everyone has a birthday in June, so it is just one big birthday celebration! So lets get started.

{not sure where it is from!}
{selfie stick}

 So I hope y'all enjoyed this post! I love hearing from you guys, so leave down in the comments below what you guys thought. Have a great week!
