So yesterday, which was May 16th, I logged everything that I did. And just to let you know days that don't have any plans are VERY rare in our house, there is always something going on! So this kind of day is very rare.
7:40 am: Wake up. Many might say that is very early for a saturday, but I am a morning person, so 7:40 is pretty nice.
7:50 am: Breakfast. I love all things breakfast. It is by far my favorite meal of the day! Today I had a breakfast sandwich(eggs, bacon, cheese, and mayonnaise)
8:00 am: Chill time. I went on the computer and caught up on email and got some stuff done on the blog. And I had to do a little pinning to!
9:00 am: Get ready. I absolutely love showers, it is by far one of my favorite time of the day.
10:00 am: Dog training. We have a 7 month yellow lab named Obie(like from Star Wars) who can use all the obedience he can get!
11:00 am: Mini photography session. With the weather as pretty as it was I couldn't resist taking some pictures of some flowers.
12:00 pm: We went out to go grab somethings for the week.( the Snickers was just calling my name!)
4:00 pm: Watch the cutest movie ever. When we got home I felt like relaxing so I found, "The Heart of The Country". It was so good!
8:30 pm: Editing this post. I am now editing this post and then I'm going to go to bed.
Good Night!